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THE SIMPLE ORANGE FRUIT WE TAKE EVERYDAY HAS ALOT OF BENEFITS. EVEN THE ORANGE PEELS CAN BE USED FOR BEAUTY AND HEALTH PURPOSES. ORANGE IS A NATURAL SKIN BLEACHER CONTAINING HIGH DOSES OF VITAMIN C. BENEFITS OF ORANGE Orange burns fat in the body thus used for slimming down. Orange can be used for detox and cleansing. Orange can be used for shrinking pimples and can brighten dark spots. It hydrates the body and also moisturizes the face when the juice is applied directly using cotton wool. Orange juice flattens the belly when taken overnight consecutively. Orange juice can be used for skin whitening. BENEFITS OF ORANGE PEELS It helps lower cholesterol levels in the body. It prevents cancer cells in the body. The extract from the peels relieves heart burn and soothes digestive system to inhibit indigestion. Rubbing the inside of peels can whiten yellow stained teeth and prevents tooth sensitivity. The peels from oranges cleanses the pores, tones the skin...


There are so many reasons why we suffer from pimples especially ladies. It mostly starts from puberty but now stress, oil, sugar, makeup and so on. If you are looking out for a solution or treatment to pimples and dark spots, read this article carefully for I tried all this and it worked. I used to have breakouts and tried so many facial products. I came across this wonderful face wash that I used for years and it works like magic if you use it properly. While using this face wash, follow the instructions written on it for it dries the face if overused.   Neutrogena oil free acne wash clears breakout when used on a clean face daily. Apply a natural moisturizer or steam with honey after washing your face. The reason for steaming or moisturizing is so your face doesn't overdry. Follow this natural and simple methods below DRINKING WATER- Water flushes out toxins that are harmful and causes pimples. Water generally is vital, for it hydrates and makes you function...


Why do we find ourselves going forth and back in Christianity. The only reason is we have no reverence for God. If we truly have respect for God, the fear of him striking us or casting us away would align us but we have no fear of God why because we simply can't see him. Imagine this; if we have a curfew from our real parents at 6pm, we dare not stay out after 6pm because we know what would happen next. That fear of not getting caught outside by our parents shows the reverence we have for them. Along the line, its grows on us and becomes a part of our lifestyle. If only we could see God, a lot of things won't be happening but we should know God isn't human. Just like how we can't see hope or faith but yet we live most of our lives in faith and hoping for the better. Even if we get to see God, he would be lashing us every now and then like our parents because he wants the best for us and knows the best for us. God knows the end of everything at the ...


''HEALTH REQUIRES HEALTHY FOOD.'' - ROGER WILLIAMS Don't ask why good food is expensive but ask why junk food is cheap. Every 35 days your skin replaces itself, your liver about a month. Your body makes these new cells from the food you eat. What you eat literally becomes you, you have a choice in what you are made of. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Do not use your stomach as trash can. You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces, just good food from fresh ingredients. As Jim Rohn would say ''Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. If you are ready to get that flat belly then its a goal you must accomplish by being disciplined with what you eat and drink.  Here are some fruits and vegetables that can rid you of that belly fat. Mushrooms They are high in vitamin D and low levels of vitamin D causes abdominal obesity. Mushroom is fat free, high in fiber and low calories. Getting that fat out of your belly will take d...


"IF YOU ARE NATURALLY KIND, YOU ATTRACT ALOT OF PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE.'' -WILLIAM FEATHER ''Don't let people treat you like a cigarette, they only use you when they are bored and step on you when they are done. Be like drugs, let them die for you.'' If we don't act real and be ourselves in places we go to, we end up unhappy and lonely. The mistake we make is that we try to please everyone and forget that no matter what you do, not everyone will like you or appreciate you the way you deserve. Its called Humanity! We ain't perfect.     WE SHOULD LEARN TO ALWAYS SMILE Smiling is contagious and even if you not in a good mood, fake it and you end up smiling for real. A smile makes the other person feel welcome and free to speak to you however they desire. It tells the person you are here to listen and how happy and lovely of a person you are. There's no way you smile to someone you just met and they don't smile back. Always ma...


  ''Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together'' Rekindling love starts with being curious about your partner. Be willing to let go of what you think you know about each other Every marriage, relationship needs that little push in order to keep the fire burning. There are times you just find your love life becoming boring and your spouse starts feeling off towards things that used to make them feel loved. So many things causes this to happen and the only way to bring back that sparkle in your love life is following this laid down steps 1        Listening to your spouse. Communication plays a vital role in relationships. It makes the other feel important and that you ain't taking them for granted. Look straight into their eyes when your spouse is speaking and trying to make a point. Try to take your mind off distractions and make sure you demonstrate body languages to prove you are a...


"Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with   grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future.      - Swami Sivananda  We all have made some mistakes but moving on seems to be a challenge at times. If we look back at our mistakes, some of it made us what and who we are today. Our past has a way of hunting us and bringing back regretful thoughts but we can overcome it. 1   Forgive yourself.  We all have made several mistakes. Tell me one person who hasn't made a silly big mistake. Its just human! We are not perfect but we can learn from those mistakes and become someone better in the future. Stop thinking too much about that which didn't happen or what happened. There's nothing you can do that would change what had happened in the past but to forgive yourself and pursue peace. Tell yourself everyday if you have to that you are a good person and no one can...