THE SIMPLE ORANGE FRUIT WE TAKE EVERYDAY HAS ALOT OF BENEFITS. EVEN THE ORANGE PEELS CAN BE USED FOR BEAUTY AND HEALTH PURPOSES. ORANGE IS A NATURAL SKIN BLEACHER CONTAINING HIGH DOSES OF VITAMIN C. BENEFITS OF ORANGE Orange burns fat in the body thus used for slimming down. Orange can be used for detox and cleansing. Orange can be used for shrinking pimples and can brighten dark spots. It hydrates the body and also moisturizes the face when the juice is applied directly using cotton wool. Orange juice flattens the belly when taken overnight consecutively. Orange juice can be used for skin whitening. BENEFITS OF ORANGE PEELS It helps lower cholesterol levels in the body. It prevents cancer cells in the body. The extract from the peels relieves heart burn and soothes digestive system to inhibit indigestion. Rubbing the inside of peels can whiten yellow stained teeth and prevents tooth sensitivity. The peels from oranges cleanses the pores, tones the skin...