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"Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with  
grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future.      - Swami Sivananda
 We all have made some mistakes but moving on seems to be a challenge at times. If we look back at our mistakes, some of it made us what and who we are today. Our past has a way of hunting us and bringing back regretful thoughts but we can overcome it.

1   Forgive yourself. 
We all have made several mistakes. Tell me one person who hasn't made a silly big mistake. Its just human! We are not perfect but we can learn from those mistakes and become someone better in the future. Stop thinking too much about that which didn't happen or what happened. There's nothing you can do that would change what had happened in the past but to forgive yourself and pursue peace. Tell yourself everyday if you have to that you are a good person and no one can make you happy if you are not happy with yourself. It may take long before you move on completely but if you are persistent, you will get there though you might not forget your mistakes.

Personal Story: I used to think all the time about my mistakes and it made me unhappy with myself. At times I would hate myself but with time I got over these feelings by surrounding myself with good people, changed my environment, started a new hobby to take my mind off things and above all I found Christ.

2   Forgive people. 
We all have come across people who hurt us in the past. Holding grudge will make us dwell on the problem. We can just let go and find peace by forgiving them. Make a decision to forgive people even before they hurt you so you won't feel angered or hatred towards them. Forgiveness is learning to let go of the pain so you can move on. If it bothers you even when you have forgiven, have a conversation with the person or write a letter. Its a process and doesn't happen overnight.

3   Challenging your thoughts.
 You may be having negative thoughts resounding in your mind. Thoughts like "why did I do that, am not a good person, am I going to forget this, will I be able to do this or do that. Common! No one will help you overcome it if you don't try to challenge those thoughts with positive thinking. Tell yourself this every time those thoughts start clouding your mind; "I will get better, I can do it, I have forgiven myself, there's nothing wrong with me, I will make it through" and trust me you will.

4   Distract yourself.
Distractions will help you forget and move on a great deal. Find something that makes you happy and let it be a regular part of your life. If you are someone that likes to stay indoors, try something new like going to the movies, meeting new friends and taking a walk with someone who makes you happy. You have to stay away from anyone who reminds you of your past and find new friends. It's not a easy process but its worth it.

Personal Story: I took drastic measures in order to forget about some people and experiences from my past. I relocated and blocked a lot of people from my contact. I began to do things that would distract me from thinking negatively like going to the gym, making new friends and going to church programs. I was missing my friends quite alright but I was determined to help myself forget my past.

            Thanks for reading and please don't forget to leave a comment!


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