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Showing posts from June, 2018


Bad breath which is medically known as halitosis   can be caused by eating some certain kinds of food, poor sleeping or poor dental hygiene. Nothing ruins a morning like bad breath. Oftentimes you wonder where it comes from because you inevitably brush every night. Then why? Keep reading. There are several facets that can bring about bad breath and also there are numerous ways to eliminate that bad morning breath for good. PRACTICE MORE OF NOSE BREATHING THAN MOUTH BREATHING Breathe from your diaphragm rather than from your chest area. Diaphragm is a primary muscle responsible for respiration or inhalation. It is the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. In other words, stop breathing through your mouth. Why?   Saliva production decreases while you sleep. Saliva is high in oxygen which kills bacteria. It helps break down food particles and removes them from your mouth when you swallow. If you are breathing through your mouth, you create a dry zone w


Talents are natural and can be attributed to the natural genetic factors existing within us passed down from generation to generation. It is propagated naturally at birth. Talents and skills are often misconceived in conversations. Although both pertains to the ability of an individual to perform a particular task. A talent is permanent or naturally occurring in a person. It is said to be a special ability with experience or a specific tutoring. It is the ability to carry out a task without extra effort but yet perfect in enactment. Some people have it while some don't. A talent can be improved overtime with direction and training. A skill is an ability that is learned and practiced over a period of time. It is acquired or obtained as an outcome of perpetual improvement and performance on a given task. Skills are taught and regarded as a displayed talent unlike a talent which is a natural procurement of an ability. In other words, a skill is a result of a person'


Many a times, quite a number of people are intensively interested in topics concerning relationships and marriages. How to behave and how not to behave when married. I did a few questioning and stumbled upon the topic, 'HOW TO BE A GOOD WIFE'. I would be using scriptural backup as well on how to be and remain a good wife to a potential or contemporary husband. Every man desires a good wife and every woman wants to be one, right? The qualities of being a good wife are already there and other attributes can be developed or learned. POSSESS POSITIVE QUALITIES Husbands love it when their wives are sociable, loving, kind, understanding and patient. Support him when he fails or succeed. Be willing to build an empire with him from the ground up and be loyal to him most especially when things are tough. Avoid at all cost castigating, when there's an oversight rather try fix it. Appreciate his efforts no matter how diminutive it appears. It would encourage him to be more and