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What do you understand by contentment? Contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction. It is perhaps drawn from being at ease with your entire being.  Lack of contentment is a fragment of ungratefulness. People tend to easily forget where they are coming from and what they never had.

Contentment is finding happiness in what we already have in our lives. It is showing satisfaction with our possessions, situation or status quo.

"Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty." - Socrates

To be content is at all, not an easy task.  The world we live in doesn't help, right? We find ourselves competing with colleagues, friends and even family members. We want what they have, then when we have it, we seek for more. Why is that? They say humans are never satisfied because of the quest to prove one's worthiness but do you know discontent is a great barrier to fully live a simple and happy life? Why do you need to prove anything to anyone? We are all on a personal race. Do yourself a great deal by living to be happy and not living to prove a sense of worthiness to mere humans like you.  No one really does care. Everyone is searching for a way to be successful in life and a way to be motivated positively. Discontent is only going to drive you insane.

Embrace what you have today and stop wishing. Stop fretting over what could happen or what could have been. Live each moment to the fullest because you might not get that again. If you are not contented with what you have now, you will never be contented even with what you are craving to have.
Do your best in everything. Put your very best into your job, your family, your relationships and take pleasure in doing it. Be grateful for what you have instead of focusing on what you don't have. People make the mistake of seeking for more and forgetting what they have been blessed with. They want a bigger car when they already have a car. Some other people are wishing to have that car you so well disregard.

Don't compare yourself to other people. Don't waste your time trying to keep up with everyone else around you. Focus on what you have and be thankful. Surround yourself in the right environment. Constantly remind yourself that you don't need material things to be happy. Put your trust in God and allow Him to work in you and through you. Allow God to make you become that which He desires for you and everything will turn out His perfect way.

Contentment allows us to be happy and be grateful for the things we have. It helps us find satisfaction in our present circumstances. Contentment help reduces stress, relaxes your body and makes life more delightful. You get to be happy even without more material possessions but rather be satisfied with the ones you already have.

Yes, contentment is not as easy as it sounds but to achieve this, one would need to intentionally shift their mindset, change habits and be more in control of their thoughts and actions. It takes absolute discipline and can be achieved.

The only thing you shouldn't be contented about that I agree within this world is improving yourself. Growing yourself to be better. Improve your skill, yourself and not your possessions. Your focus should be more about advancing yourself and not material things.  Invest more on you as a person and not what you wish to own.



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