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Most people including me used to think pepper was just included in foods to spice it up or make it look attractive especially in "indomie" noodles. I later got to realize after tons of research that pepper, has so many amazing benefits that would blow your mind.
Some people like it hot and some, really really hot but I like my pepper moderate.

We have the green peppers, red peppers, paprika and chili peppers.

Green peppers are actually unripe red peppers. It is green because it isn't fully mature and its half the vitamin C compared to the red pepper which is fully equipped with vitamins.

Paprika and Chili peppers contains extra capsaicin, a chemical that produces an intense burning sensation in the mouth.

Red pepper is not as hot as the paprika and chili peppers because a recessive gene eliminates its burning sensation.
Choose peppers that have deep bright colors, firm skin and that are free of blemishes or dark areas.


Pepper is anti-microbial- An agent that kills micro organisms or disrupts their growth.

Detoxifying- Pepper possesses the ability to  remove toxic substances from the body.

Anti-cancer-  Pepper fights colon and breast cancer. Also decreases tumour size
(abnormal cells that form lumps is known as tumour).

Antioxidant- Pepper can help eliminate potential damaging agents in the body.

Immunity boost- Pepper has the ability to strengthen the immune system.

Pepper is great for the heart and skin.

It contains more than 200 percent of your daily vitamin C intake and vitamin C helps in the proper absorption of iron.

Peppers are a great source of vitamin B6 and folate which can help prevent Anemia(the lack of blood).

It helps support healthy vision. Peppers are high in vitamin A which helps support healthy eye sight, most crucially night vision.

Hot peppers like the chili, helps burn calories by causing us to sweat as it increases our heart rate and blood pressure.

The things we take for granted though like pepper. Am sure you do not know this but pepper is healthy and packed with so much nutrients.
I remember a friend asking me, what is the use of pepper? Peppers bring a lot more to the table than just heat. Now I know better and am glad you do too.

Thanks for reading!


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