Being in a relationship is one thing and being in the right relationship is another. If you are in a relationship and you are uncertain about your place in his heart, it's a sign. Before you search for a Mr Right, you have to be the 'Mrs Right' too. Be yourself, your best and your worst. Let him see you for who you are. I know we all desire to find the right man but oftentimes we get it all wrong with our motives. The wrong motives will drive you into relationships that you would regret at the end of the day. Then, you won't want to give it up because of the fear of being single again. But then, you shouldn't be afraid to loose anyone if not you are denying yourself the chance to be truly happy.
When your man isn't meeting up with plans and dates, you see him once in a while and communicates with you less than expected. Most times you are not sure of where you stand with him and he barely talks about the future with you. That relationship is definitely going no where. Please move on.
I dated this guy for months and during those times, he barely mentions his family. At times I just wonder if he had a wife somewhere or if he talks about me to his siblings. I wasn't happy with the way things were going and I had to do something about it. I went through his phone one night and found out he was cheating, sending love texts and receiving pictures from the other lady. I knew within me that something was up. Trust your gut ladies! Your instincts are usually right.
- The right relationships are meant to be easy and healthy filled with respect and understanding from both sides. Even when there are difficulties, it doesn't take time before they are resolved. There is no speculation of where you stand because he makes his plan clear from onset that he wants to be a part of your life and never wants to loose you or trade you for anything. He puts effort in making you happy. That man right there is the best. He is proud of you despite your flaws or imperfections. He supports your dreams and visions. Any relationship that sucks your life and brings you little or no guaranteed happiness is wrong for you honey. If he is not impacting in you positively, then he is not the right one. The right man will definitely come around so don't settle for less. Mind you, the right man you need isn't always what you want so be careful when choosing. Trust me he could be poor and if you lucky, he could be rich but don't think for once you would always get what you want.
- Being in a relationship isn't always about the attraction and chemistry. You have to be friends because friendship keeps it going when attraction wears off. If he loves hanging out with you, you make him happy as much as he makes you happy, he shares his secrets with you, confides in you with all sincerity, then you are best of friends. This one right here is a keeper gurl! He is absolutely right for you.
- If he seeks your opinion about things that are important in his life or tells you about any possible changes in his life, he is solemnly in love and right for you.
- If he loves every inch of you, including your big toe..smiles*. He doesn't hate you when you refuse him sex rather he is willing to wait. If he performs chivalrous acts then he is a keeper. It reflects commitment and respect.What a gentleman!
A friend of mine once told me her boyfriend loves her so much but whenever am not available for him, he takes another lady out and they end up in his house. She blames herself for not giving him the time he needs but honey, he don't deserve you. My advice to her was, find a way to give him the attention he needs or break it off completely and stop managing. Her response was, where will I find another boyfriend?
Don't limit yourself because of the wishful thinking that boyfriend's are scarce. Who says you need one to survive. If you have one already, don't take shit. Let him respect you and if you are still single, HE WILL COME BY AT THE RIGHT TIME. Keep living!
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