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There are many ways to get rich but what truly matters is how to sustain the riches and make it grow from time to time the right way.

To acquire wealth you must first gain;

  • Wisdom- it's the principal thing in acquiring true lasting wealth. You must enrich yourself in education to get wisdom. Listen more than you speak. Try out new things and learn to read as much as you can. Reading gives you knowledge and makes one wiser. No information is useless because every information adds to what you already know.  Associate yourself with wise people and stay off negative people. Never be in a haste to answer questions or make decisions. Be opened to learning because you can never know everything. Make sure you have values and act based on your values; that is the things that are most important to you. Learn from your mistakes and analyze your experiences. Work hard at being your best everyday.  Let your life impact others positively. 

  • To gain wealth, you must understand money.  Money has weight and if you don't possess the capacity to carry it,  you will never have it. Money doesn't have a best friend. It goes to who works hard for it. If you are feel you are poor, it's only because you accepted to be poor and just maybe you haven't worked hard enough. What makes a rich man different from an assumed poor man is the mindset. The way you think will either make you rich or poor. Never classify your worth based on the 'now', your current situation because what really matters is your future and how you see yourself in years to come. Your passion, goals and aspirations, what you intend doing about them. No matter the situation you in, if you have a positive and rich mindset, then it's only a matter of time before your dreams accelerates into reality. Think big, dream big, start small and your life will gradually elevate. No one was made poor so if you settle for that it's because you have refused to grow, learn more and take risks. The Bible says Christ became poor so that we might be rich so never say you are poor because the more you say it,  the more you believe it and become it. There's power in the tongue, so start speaking positive things.  Rise up and keep pressing hard to attain your goals. You have the power to change your situation. 

  • As you try to make money,  remember that money has eyes,  ears and feelings.  Money will come to you based on how you handle it. Go after the foundation or capacity to retain money before chasing after money. Money must have a foundation to sit on if not,  it will fly.  Be patient when making money. Things that would last take a while so don't cheat because you desire to be rich. If you want to build real and godly wealth you must be honest. 

  • Mind how you treat people in the pursuit of money. Be humble at all times even when you have. Build your money with kindness and favor will surround you unexpectedly. Lack of kindness eats away wealth.

Chase after a good name before chasing money. A good reputation will keep and sustain you. Great riches follow reputable people. People tend to trust those who have a clean record because they know your motives are pure. The purpose of a good name is for the future but the purpose of money is for 'now'. Don't mess your name up just for the money which will never last but a good reputation transcends. Stay off debts and pay up past debts if you desire a good reputation. Be faithful with the little you have now and that will determine whether you will have more or not.

In the pursuit of wealth, always remember that the rich man will pass and fade away in spite of his pursuits because riches are not forever. As you seek wealth, carry along the spirit of contentment. 
Money can't sustain life.
Money is temporary.
Money can't stop death.
Money can't bring true lasting happiness.
Money can't buy love.
Money can't guarantee security only God.
The more we have, the more we spend and  the more we want more.
Godliness with contentment is great gain not money.

Thanks for reading!


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