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 Your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! -T. Harv Eker

A lot of us have serious issues when it comes to our finances. We always spend more than we earn. Why is that? Sincerely, I am also guilty of that. I would promise not to spend but before you know it, I find myself spending more than I have at hand. I am here to offer you some ideas I think would help you plan and achieve success financially.


1. Examine your personal finances.
   You have to keep record of how much you spend each day. Evaluate the needs and wants before you start spending. The best thing to do once you have cash at hand is to bank it before any other thing. You can't be planning financial success and have all your savings right beside you. One thing I realize is that ATM card is a NO for those who are not good in saving.

2.  Define short and long-term goals
Whatever you are planning towards be it now or in the future, you have to examine them carefully and work towards it. If you want to be a millionaire in five years, then you should start planning towards that goal. You can't be spending all your earnings and hoping to save the next pay.  Something else will come up by then. You have to stay focused and be determined to achieve financial success. The earlier the better. He that started investing at age 20 will have more than he who started at age 30.

3. Take action steps in reaching these goals
You can't have goals and not plan towards reaching them. I have plans to own my makeup brand and studio and i have started selling makeup products and I do makeup on clients as a career. Its a process and if i continue to push, sooner than later my studio will manifest. You have to take action towards your dream or it will remain a dream.

4. Have a written financial plan
This creates a solid foundation in your finances and savings. Always document your income and expenses if you want to have success in finances. Stating them down would give you a clearer and understandable view of how your money disappears..smiles!

5. Several streams of income
If you can, find some other means to earn money other than your salary. One thing that denounces creativity is our salary. Don't rely on one stream of income. Its like putting all your eggs in a basket.
If you already have a job, acquire a skill so it fetches you interest alongside your salary.

We need to educate ourselves about finances and how money works because if you don't tell money what to do, it would leave!

Benjamin Franklin once said "Beware of little expenses for a small leak will sink a great ship!

No one is perfect when it comes to saving especially women but with discipline and focus, we have got no choice but to deal with that extravagant lifestyle...yes!
We don't make money by working hard otherwise wheelbarrow pushers would be billionaires because they work hard. You make money by being smart!

Whatever you plan to do, start small and be consistent. Target your clients and focus on your goals. Set your goals and achieve them by planning.
Remember, anytime you eat your money, you are getting poorer. Save more than you spend daily and YOU are on your way to a secured financial unstoppable success.

Always start from the bottom and work your way up! 


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