Your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! -T. Harv Eker A lot of us have serious issues when it comes to our finances. We always spend more than we earn. Why is that? Sincerely, I am also guilty of that. I would promise not to spend but before you know it, I find myself spending more than I have at hand. I am here to offer you some ideas I think would help you plan and achieve success financially. HOW DO WE CREATE FINANCIAL PLAN? 1. Examine your personal finances. You have to keep record of how much you spend each day. Evaluate the needs and wants before you start spending. The best thing to do once you have cash at hand is to bank it before any other thing. You can't be planning financial success and have all your savings right beside you. One thing I realize is that ATM card is a NO for those who are not good in saving. 2. Define short and long-term goals Whatever you are planning towards be it now or in the f...